Basically, you are always wecome to our lab., as long as you have strong wish to engage on our project.
We do not care your fundamental knowledgement, but we do care your will.
Here, Hokkaido District, is best place to work on microgravity projects, we believe.
We have been fully-experienced on microgravity experiments on combustion and understanding of combustion phenomena in such uncommon environments.
Collaboration is always welcome and we wish to have collegues in all over the world.
Already we have collaborative works with France (ENSMA), US (NASA, NIST) and Korea (Soeul Nat'l. Univ.).
Once you wish to involve such activity, you have chance to do of course.
All you should have is your strong will.
If you apply to engage on our lab., we do try our best to find financial supports.
Whatever you have interested in, please do not hesitate to contact with us in E-mail.
Get involve LSU, and open "next-generation door" with us.
Key of the door is all yours.
We are always waiting for your decision, and looking forward to work together.
Lab. Manager: Professor Osamu FUJITA
Last Update: Sept 4, 2005